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Easter Lily


Out of Stock


Pot Size  6"


A soothing symbol of innocence and purity, the Easter lily is an elegant and inviting addition to your garden and home. They give off a welcoming energy that’s sure to attract good vibes. Popular in containers, they’ll grow beautifully with minimal effort and care. An Easter holiday favorite and a total standout of the season, get a few and pass them along to loved ones. 

Note: arrives in a grower’s pot. We ship them budded so you can enjoy as much of their blooming goodness as possible.

Indoors, Easter lilies require a medium moisture level and must not be allowed to stand in water for any length of time.
Easter lilies grown indoors will need bright, indirect natural daylight.
They thrive indoors between 65-75°F, and outdoors in zones 4-9.
Use slightly acidic to neutral soil (6.5-7.0).
Easter lilies can grow up to 2 ft. tall and 1 ft. wide.

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